Comprehensive Plan Committee

About Our Work   [INACTIVE]

The Islesboro Comprehensive Plan Committee is in charge of creating a blueprint for community development that draws inspiration from the goals and aspirations of Islesboro residents.  Committee members look at public issues that have arisen in recent years, such as groundwater protection, development review ordinances, and land use regulation, and propose new strategies for these matters that will positively impact the town of Islesboro.    When developing a comprehensive plan, both the committee members and general public must focus on the following question: What do we want Islesboro to look like in 10 years?  The purpose of a comprehensive plan is to provide a general community framework and point our town’s development process in the right direction.

There is a long process associated with the creation of Islesboro’s comprehensive plan.  To start, committee members inventory the town and gather all relevant information such as building permits, census data, and the previous comprehensive plan.  Then the committee designs the preliminary plan and submits it to the Islesboro Board of Selectmen for approval.  If approved, the plan gets sent to the Maine State Planning Office where it is cross-checked with existing state comprehensive plan requirements and regulations.  If it passes these tests, the plan is approved and sent back to Islesboro where it is then put to a public vote for final approval.

The Islesboro Comprehensive Plan completed their work in the Spring of 2011, and submitted the draft plan to the Board of Selectmen.   A general statement entitled  "Islesboro Looking Ahead", along with an appendix of information, was created by the Board of Selectmen based on the work of the Comprehensive Plan Committee from 2007 to 2011.  It was adopted by the Board of Selectmen on January 3, 2012 as a guide for future sustainable development.  This document is reaffirmed each year by the Board of Selectmen. 

In 2017 the Town of Islesboro undertook an update of data in the Spring of 2011 Comprehensive Plan.  Little had changed in overall goals for the Town from the time the plan was first submitted to the Board of Selectmen.  Please find below the DRAFT version of the "Islesboro Comprehensive Plan" as well as the current version of "Islesboro Looking Ahead".